MacBook Pro is even more powerful with the latest Intel Core 2 Duo processor. Up to 200GB of storage(2) and 2GB of RAM make the MacBook Pro bigger on the inside and faster than ever. Next-generation NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT graphics and 802.11n-based AirPort Extreme wireless capabilities(3) keep it on the cutting edge. And now Multi-Touch technology comes to the MacBook Pro in an advanced trackpad. Encased in lightweight aluminum and one inch thin, the MacBook Pro packs astounding performance into a stunning design. (1) Wireless Internet access requires a base station or other wireless access point and Internet access; fees may apply. Some ISPs are not currently compatible with AirPort Extreme. 21GB = 1 billion bytes; actual formatted capacity less. (3) Based on an IEEE 802.11n draft specification. Wireless Internet access requires a base station or other wireless access point and Internet access; fees may apply. Some ISPs are not currently compatible with AirPort Extreme. (4) Based on an IEEE 802.11n draft specification. Wireless Internet access requires a base station or other wireless access point and Internet access; fees may apply. Some ISPs are not currently compatible with AirPort Extreme. Actual performance will vary based on range, connection rate, site conditions, size of network, and other factors. Range will vary with site conditions.
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